
CPCE look for a single system to centralise and manage bookings

Different units and departments may have different booking policies and subject to nature of facilities (Hall, fitness centres, classrooms) there will be different opening hours and booking rules. The system has to be tailor made to allow flexibility and scalability that can fit all stakeholders’ expectations.

  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Product Design
  • Android Development
  • iOS Development


Solution Offered

Since 2010, We have been providing Linux System Implementation and Maintenance Services for Moodle and Mailing List Servers with High Availability.

In 2014 , we participated in developing a web-based system to support operators in conducting Student Feedback
Questionnaire (SFQ) exercise, feedback will be collected through mobile devices.

In 2016, we were appointed to develop an Electronic and Mobile Booking System (mBooking) for booking study
rooms, sport facilities and lecture rooms and theaters.

Mobile Student Feedback Questionnaire (mSFQ)

To replace the traditional OMR (Optical Mark Reader) answer sheets, student feedback questionnaire can now be conducted virtually online without the need of having operators’ presence on premises. All manual procedures of verifying student identities, distributing and collecting papers, putting answer papers to OMR answer scanners are saved.

Student can follow web instructions in scanning a QR code, which leads them to the Single Sign On portal of the college to verify their eligibility to take part in questionnaire, questionnaires are filled by e-form and results are analyzed and posted to school management and designated teaching staffs.


Mobile Booking System (mBooking)

The electronic and mobile Booking System (mBooking) is a web-based system which centralised all CPCE facilities (e.g. sport facilities, music room, group study rooms/corners and general teaching rooms & lecture theatres)…

  • Booking Management and Check-in features
  • Role-based on-line facilities booking system for students and staff with corresponding mobile
    web version which supports mainstream mobile devices.
  • Provide Single-Sign-On and Single-Sign-Out functions which allows users to easily access the
    system through the College’s Portal.
  • Capable of integration with third party application (e.g. to display facilities availability in
    other CPCE systems, collect payment from CPCE iKiosk via API calls).

Study rooms in Libraries

Check in and Ad hoc booking feature

Special check-in workflow design for Library study rooms to make sure minimum number of users are fulfilled to use a room of large capacity. Booking is considered forfeit if student did not check in on time, anyone who pass by an empty study room can scan the QR code and adhoc booking is allowed under such circumstances. Admin can adjust the check-in and booking policies anytime inside the console.

Multi-purpose Hall

Special handling for the Multi-purpose hall which could offer different venue usage with different booking capacities and rules. Court settings available :
Volleyball / Badminton / Table Tennis / Basketball / College Events